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Torch of Life for Teens: (Mission / Vision)

The Torch of Life training program is a six month training program divided into six phases to honor the life, memory, and legacy of a high school student who died as a result of bullying, suicide, violent crime, terminal disease, any type of accident, or heroic act. The training program is designed to recruit, develop, and train high school seniors worldwide to carry on the legacy of a student whose life was tragically cut short.  Students will learn unique strategies to prepare them as they transition from high school to college or a new professional career.


Phase I - Central Identity Agent:  

The Central Identity Agent training course is designed to train students about the DISC assessment profiles to prepare them for their personal life or professional career. This course is three hours once a week for four weeks and students will develop a DISC action plan.


Phase II - Dynamic Change Agent:

The Dynamic Change Agent training course is designed to train students to deal with change in their personal and professional life.  The course is three hours once a week for four weeks and students will create change action plan quick reference guide.


Phase III - Undercover Office Agent:

The Undercover Office Agent training course is designed to train students to prepare for a job interview and future career.  The course is three hours once a week for four weeks and students will create either a resume portfolio or a detailed goals quick reference guide.


Phase IV - Business Intelligence Agent:

The Business Intelligence Agent training course is designed to train students to organize and set-up their office / workspace.  The course is three hours once a week for four weeks and students will create a quick reference guide with department contacts, daily tasks, and instructions on how to create and manage reports and can be used as a reference tool.


Phase V - Special Agent:

The Special Agent training course is designed to train students with unique strategies to work as a receptionist, customer service representative, or administrative assistant to work in organized and sequential manner.  There are three different courses and each course is three hours once a week for four weeks.  Students will create a customized quick reference guide to manage daily responsibilities and will learn to create custom forms and work smarter not harder in their future job.


Phase VI - Secret Agent:

The Secret Agent training course is designed to prepare students with special skills to successfully work as an intern and the course is three hours once a week for four weeks.  Students will evaluate current processes and offer ideas or suggestions to work smarter not harder.  The students will function as a secret agent to provide confidential information to management with any problems or issues that may occur.


Phase VII - Professional Development Agent:

The Professional Development Agent training course is designed to prepare students to develop an action plan for professional development. Students will create a customized professional development plan with short-term and long-term goals.  This course is three hours once a week for four weeks.

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